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Which is the best question to ask Tesco?
Addressing question (a) will require an examination of Tesco’s branding strategy as well as its growth and revenue model in its diverse product divisions and question (b) involves a study into how Tesco’s strategy translates to ‘local’ business customs and values in order to satisfy the tastes and expectation of ‘local’ consumers.
How is Tesco a trusted brand in different cultures?
Building a trusted brand in different cultures takes time and is a long-term strategy. When Tesco first ventured into Thailand, for instance, its aggressive stance towards small, family-owned enterprises came as an unpleasant shock to the Thais and provoked a backlash against the company
What are the strategies used by Tesco UK?
This dissertation aims to examine the strategies used by Tesco, a leading brand in the global retail food industry and one of the U.K.’s strongest retail companies, to drive growth and expansion in international markets.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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23.10.2021 06:31
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